
The National Museums of Kenya and the Architectural Association of Kenya has launched a new initiative to identify noteworthy buildings in Nairobi and develop a formal list of them.

Everyone who has in interest in Nairobi’s development and its architectural heritage – literally anyone who appreciates design and architecture – can contribute to this list. Everyone’s opinions and contributions count.

So while Nairobi grows and transforms – as it must – we aim to still maintain the buildings that we as Nairobians value, and that contribute towards the aesthetic beauty and liveability of our city.

Beauty? Liveability? This is no small thing.

Cast your vote by filling out a brief survey. Click here for the survey.

(Note: We have closed the first round of voting. Click here to see the results. We intend to refresh this list of buildings in the future through subsequent rounds of solicitations. So watch this space...)

This is an Aref Adamali Consulting initiative.